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OSU Center for Health Sciences

Our Mission

Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences educates and trains osteopathic physicians, research scientists and other health care professionals with an emphasis on serving rural and underserved Oklahoma.


Our Vision

Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences will be recognized for:

  • Fulfilling the health care needs of rural and underserved Oklahoma
  • Producing graduates who are dedicated, effective and compassionate community leaders
  • Advancing the frontier of medical research
  • Providing excellent care and health-related community service
  • Being a leader and innovator in education
  • Being the medical and graduate school of choice

Core Values

EXCELLENCE – We seek excellence in all our endeavors, aspire to new heights, and are committed to continuous improvement.

INTEGRITY – We are committed to the principles of truth and honesty, and we constantly strive to be fair, equitable, impartial and professional.

SERVICE – We believe that serving others is a noble and worthy endeavor.

INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM – We believe in ethical and scholarly questioning in an environment that respects the rights of all to freely pursue knowledge.

DIVERSITY – We respect others and value diversity of opinion, freedom of expression, and other ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

STEWARDSHIP OF RESOURCES – We are dedicated to the efficient and effective use of our resources. We accept the responsibility of the public’s trust and are accountable for our actions.


View the OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine mission, vision and goals