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Medical Student Education

Learn about academic courses, rotations and other opportunities available to medical students through the Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine.


The OMM faculty and teaching lab are primarily located on the third floor of the Tandy Medical Academic Building.

OMM Courses

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine I

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine I introduces the importance of the musculoskeletal system in health and disease.  The course will consist of both lectures and hands-on practicum sessions.  Weekly lectures cover a variety of topics including osteopathic history, osteopathic philosophy, stress management, musculoskeletal evaluation, the history of medicine, characteristics of somatic dysfunction, barrier concept, and a variety of osteopathic manipulative models.  Biomechanics of the cervical region, thoracic cage, upper extremities, the spine in general, and the clinical application of muscle energy techniques are also covered.  Development of palpatory skills for diagnosis and treatment are stressed in the practicums.  The course provides a basis for learning psychomotor skills and applying osteopathic manipulative techniques to patient care.  Students practicing on each other is an essential element of the practicum settings.  Hands-on practicum sessions will introduce the student to palpation techniques, the osteopathic structural exam, basic soft tissue, articulation, and muscle energy techniques for evaluating and treating the musculoskeletal system. 


Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine II

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine II continues the student's training in the basic psychomotor skills of osteopathic manipulative medicine. The course will consist of both lectures and hands-on lab sessions and is aimed to continue to develop the student’s evaluation and treatment skills. Weekly lectures and labs will cover topics including Muscle Energy for the pelvis and sacrum, as well as introduce Counterstrain and Still techniques for examining and treating the musculoskeletal system. Additionally we will discuss osteopathic considerations in select clinical settings such as cardiology, respiratory, end of life care, gait evaluation, and lower extremity evaluation.


Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine III

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine III continues the instruction of osteopathic medical students in the areas of cognitive knowledge, palpatory skills and understanding of osteopathic philosophy, building on what was taught in OMM I and OMM II. Hands-on diagnosis and treatment includes the introduction of high velocity-low amplitude and myofascial release techniques. Students are introduced to Chapman’s reflexes and their application to diagnosis and treatment of various clinical conditions. Students are also introduced to manipulative approaches for osteopathic treatment of patients with respiratory and gastrointestinal conditions, as well as musculoskeletal chest pain. The anatomic and physiologic principles of the osteopathic approach are discussed and the evidence base for osteopathic manipulative treatment is explored. The course includes introductions to common compensatory patterns, myofascial trigger points and visceral manipulation, as well as updates in osteopathic research. Differential diagnosis of certain musculoskeletal pain presentation is discussed, along with the appropriateness of using osteopathic manipulative medicine, patient education and exercise as treatment. The course includes both lecture and practicum instructional formats. Students practicing on one another is an essential element of the practicum settings. A thorough knowledge of material and skills presented in OMM I and OMM II is expected.


Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine IV

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine IV continues the preparation of the student for participation in the professional management of patients in a clinical setting by broadening the clinical skills and didactic knowledge.  Application of palpatory diagnostic and manipulative treatment skills for various clinical presentations and situations will be stressed. Students will be exposed to the concepts of osteopathy in the cranial field to enhance previously learned skills. Skills acquired in this and previous OMM courses will form the framework for participation in OMM V—a clinical rotation including out-patients and hospitalized patients. In addition, the course prepares students to integrate osteopathic manipulative medicine into their other clinical rotations and be able to discuss the principles underlying osteopathic patient management. Through lecture and lab, skills will be presented and practiced.  The students will practice on each other in labs.


Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Clerkship (Rotation)

The OMM Clerkship provides an opportunity to further develop knowledge of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine obtained during the first two years of Osteopathic Medical Education.


The rotation incorporates outpatient and inpatient clinical experiences to apply principles and practices. The format is designed to use the problem-oriented approach to the patient in order to help the student understand how to incorporate OMM into the management and treatment of common musculoskeletal presentations and other common visceral presentations (asthma, COPD, ileus, nausea and vomiting, etc.) in the outpatient and hospital settings.