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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get a copy of my transcript or other academic records?

Medical students and alumni can request records using the student record request form or in writing. Written requests must include a signature authorizing the release of academic information. Requests can be faxed or emailed to the Office of the Registrar. Additional information can be found here


Graduate students can request records online, or in the Office of the Registrar. More information can be found here


How long does it take to get my records?

General processing time for requests:

Student records 1-2 business days


If there is a Bursar or other hold on the account, the request will not be fulfilled until the hold has been removed.


How can I get my class rank?

Students can view their most current class rank via the ProgressIQ site. The Registrar's Office will notify students whenever an updated rank is available. Students needing a letter or other official document with class rank should use the records request form.


How is my class rank calculated?

Unlike GPA, class rank is based on the percentage grade received in each class. A six-hour class will be weighted higher than a two-hour course. If two students have a 3.0 GPA, one may have an actual percentage average of 80, while the other could have an 89. The difference will be reflected in the class ranking.


Class Rank Calculation for Former Bridge, D.O./M.S. or or Repeating Student

Graduating Class of 2023 students and earlier only.

Students who do not have to take previously completed coursework during their MS I year or who have had previous exposure to the materials because they are repeating the year are considered "Five Year Students." All other students are considered "Four Year Students" for purposes of class rank. If there are 115 students in the class, Five Year Students receive a class ranking including all 115 students in the class. The rank is then re-calculated excluding all students in this population, and the rank that the Four Year Students receive is calculated excluding any Five Year Students.


For example, if there are 95 Four Year Students, their rank would be calculated out of 95 students rather than the full class of 115. If students have not taken a particular course with the rest of the class, then the percentage grade used to calculate class rank will be input using the score they received while completing the course as a Bridge or M.S. student.


I'd like to take the USMLE. What do I do?

Students are responsible for registering for the USMLE.  Visit for more information, and choose exam step you want to register for. There is a paper form that you will print out and complete. Please note that you can not access the form until you have set up your account and paid for the exam. You will need a passport sized photo to affix to your form. Completed forms with photo attached can be dropped off at the Registrar's Office or scanned and e-mailed as a .PDF attachment. Forms without a photo attached will not be signed. We will forward the completed form to NBME for you. 


Once you have submitted the completed form, NBME will contact the school and request an electronic verification of your enrollment.  If this is not completed on your behalf, please call or e-mail the Registrar's office and someone will log in and complete this process for you.  Please note that the USMLE is an elective test and Student Affairs does not receive copies of your scores.  If you need scores sent to an elective rotation site or residency program, please be sure that you furnish a copy of them. For specific questions, please contact NBME at


How do I register for the COMLEX exams?

Approval for COMLEX is processed automatically by the Registrar's office prior to each level of the exam. If you are having problems scheduling your exam or you are not approved to take it, please contact the Registrar's office for help. Level 3 approval generally is processed within the first month after graduation.


How do I enroll at the OSU Center for Health Sciences?

Medical students are automatically enrolled at each step of their education.


Graduate student enrollment and most services are handled through the OSU Graduate College on the Stillwater campus. Graduate students have the ability to self-enroll.


How do I change my name?

Students who need to process a name change should turn in the relevant paperwork to the Registrar's office. Photocopies will be made of all sealed official documents and returned to the student.


Please include a written statement telling us exactly how you want your name to appear in your records (ie, middle initial, full middle name included, maiden name hyphenated with married name, etc). Students wishing to change their name must submit both their new driver’s license and a copy of their new social security card. The Registrar’s office does not recommend e-mailing social security information. Bringing your card in person or faxing a copy to 918-561-8243 are recommended for secure transmission of your social security information.


Email Changes
Students can change their email address via the student self-service system; students with questions should contact the CHS Helpdesk.


Board Exams
Students should contact NBOME or NBME to update their names for COMLEX or USMLE.


I'm eligible for veteran benefits – what do I do?

Additional information can be found here.


I'm classified as an out-of-state resident. I'd like to change to in-state. How can I do that?

Students seeking in-state residency should complete a petition for in-state residency which can be found here.


Please note that if you are a current OSU medical student who has accepted an out-of-state seat in medical school, you will only be able to change your residency if you marry an existing Oklahoma resident. Students attending school full-time in Oklahoma are considered to be here for educational purposes by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and remain out-of-state as long as they are continually attending school.


How does coursework appear on my transcript if I repeat or remediate a course?


Students who receive a failing grade who have to remediate a course over the summer can receive a grade no higher than a C/70 percent after successful remediation. A grade change will be processed to change the failing grade to a C on the transcript. 



When students have to repeat all or part of a year, their previous grades earned are excluded from their GPA; however, all grades will still appear on the transcript from the prior year or semester. Each course will have a transcript notation stating that it is excluded from the GPA. Only the new coursework from the repeat year or semester will calculate into the GPA and credit hours.


How does academic probation appear on my transcript?


Students placed on academic probation will see a notation with the date of the probation listed on their transcript. This date will be the date that they receive a letter from the Office of Academic Affairs placing them on probation. Once students are removed from probation, they will receive a second letter approving their release. Another notation noting the date that academic probation was removed will then be placed onto the transcript. Note: Students who are on probation during their education may be asked to report this information when completing licensure or other documents as practicing physicians. It is important to keep records and accurately report this when asked, as the school will generally also be asked to report this information. Self-reported information that does not match your school records can impede you in the licensing process.



Students will usually meet with the Academic Standards Committee when receiving a non-cog in a course or rotation. The committee will make a recommendation and the student will receive a letter from the Office of Academic Affair with a course of recommended action. All letters and other paperwork associated with the receipt of a non-cog are placed in the student file. Whether or not the non-cognitive grade is notated on the transcript is at the discretion of the Committee and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.