Enhance the healthcare of veterans in rural western Oklahoma.
Improve the capacity of critical access hospitals and other rural healthcare organizations by developing and integrating veteran-focused curricula on mental health, S/OUDs, and other conditions into 4 OSU Project ECHO lines: Addiction medicine, Psychiatry, HIV/Viral Disorders, & Hep C.
Increase access to mental health and substance/opioid use disorder services.
Target Audience
- Healthcare Administrators
- Clinical Providers
- Mental Health Professionals
- Social Workers
- Marketing Managers
- Public Relations Managers
- Cultural Diversity Leaders
- Directors/Managers
Current Partnerships (with links to each partnership)
- Building Healthy Military Communities
- Governor’s Challenge
- President’s Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End a National Tragedy of Suicide (PREVENTS)
- Scars and Stripes Coffee
- Oklahoma Veteran Alliance
- Cohen Veteran Network
Our Team
Christi Sherrill, M.P.H
Project Manager, OK-RVHAP
Meryl Kleiner, M.S.
Curriculum Developer, OK-RVHAP
Chetana Musapeta, M.P.H
Evaluator, OK-RVHAP