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How to Conduct Research at Eastern Oklahoma VA Healthcare System


Project Submission

VA Research Sponsored Awards

Laboratory and Research Safety

Presentation of Research Results

Research Review Committee

Research Post-Award Management

Research Reseources

Guildelines for acknowledging VA research support and VA employment


  • Project Submission

    New to Research at EOVAHCS?

    If this is the first research project you are submitting to the EOVAHCS Clinical Research Committee (CRC), complete and submit the Investigator Profile to the EOVAHCS Office of Research (OOR)

    • VA Form 10-5368, Investigator Profile (PDF)


    Conducting Research at EOVAHCS
    Are you conducting research?

    Research is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources to establish facts and reach new conclusions. The VA defines research (in VHA Directive 1200.05, dated January 7, 2019) as a systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.

    *Activities that meet this definition constitute research for VA purposes.


    Sometimes, quality improvement projects and program evaluation can seem like research but may not fall under the VA definition above. Before you embark on your quest to conduct research, ensure that your project idea meets VA criteria for research.

    If you have any questions, please confer with the Director of Research Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs


    Eligibility to conduct research

    Individual eligibility to conduct research or participate on a research project at the VA is dependent on

    • having a VA-appointment,
    • being credentialed and privileged as required, and
    • having an Associate Chief of Staff for Research (ACOS/R) approved research scope of practice on file with the Research Office.
  • VA-Appointment

    VA Eastern Oklahoma research or VA wide research is research conducted by VA investigators serving on compensated (VA full-time or part-time), work without compensation (WOC), or Intergovernmental Personnel Agreement (IPA) appointments while on VA time, utilizing VA resources (e.g., equipment, CPRS, staff, patients), or on VA property including space leased to, or used by VA.

    The Principal Investigator (PI) must be a paid VA employee.  A WOC may be listed as a Co-PI.


    What is the difference between a VA and WOC appointment?

    • A VA-paid employee is an individual that has an official VA appointment and is compensated by the VA. 
    • A WOC employee is an individual that has an official VA appointment, but does not receive any salary or benefits from VA.
  • Credentialing

    Individuals involved in human subjects research are required to have appropriate background investigations, be credentialed or have their qualifications validated, and be licensed when in positions requiring licensure.

    All EOVAHCS research personnel that hold a U.S. medical license, credential, or have graduated from a U.S. medical school are required to be credentialed and privileged. All credentialed research personnel that are involved in VA research must provide the VA Research Office with a copy of their credentialing memo.

  • Research Scope of Practice
    1. Submission of protocol to committees, subcommittee(s) and IRBNet.

    A research project can only begin once the PI has been notified in writing by the ACOS/R that the project has been approved by the R&D Committee and all appropriate subcommittees.

    If you have any questions, please contact the Joint Programs Management Office.

  • Subcommittee Approval

    Subcommittees of the R&D Committee 

    There are various subcommittees which report to the Clinical Research and Research and Development Committees, which are as follows: 

    1. OSU-CHS Institutional Review Board (IRB),
    2. OSU-CHS Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC),
    3. Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC),
    4. VA’s Central IRB (VA CIRB), and the
    5. Subcommittee for Research Safety (SRS)

    For protocols that that do not fall under the purview of any other subcommittee such as science only protocols, the R&D Committee becomes the Committee of Record and is responsible for reviewing those protocols.

  • IRBNet

    New VA R&D approval process

    All EOVAHCS research projects will require submission through IRBNet (VAIRRS).

    If you have any questions, contact Joint Programs Management Office for assistance.


    Research & Development Committee (RDC) review 

    RDC Committee meetings

    The RDC meets are held once a month.  Project submissions should be loaded within the IRBNet system 14 days prior to the monthly meeting.


    Associate Chief of Staff for Research and Development (ACOS/R) notification

    The ACOS for Research and Development (ACOS/R) must ensure that you have received all appropriate approvals. You will be notified in writing (by the ACOS) when all approvals to conduct research have been granted.

    Once all required approvals have been received (all subcommittee, R&D Committee, any other applicable committee/entity, and ACOS/R&D), you may begin your project.

  • VA Office of Research and Development Wide Programs

    Cooperative Studies Program


    The VA Cooperative Studies Program is the Division of VA Research and Development that is responsible for the planning and conduct of large multicenter clinical trials and epidemiological studies in the Department of Veterans Affairs. View current CSP Studies 


    Technology Transfer Program


    The Technology Transfer Program serves the American public by translating the results of worthy discoveries made by VA employees into practice. The program educates inventors concerning their rights and obligations, rigorously evaluates all inventions, obtains patents, and assists in the commercialization of new products.


    Million Veteran Program


    The VA Million Veteran Program (MVP) is a national, voluntary research program conducted by the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Research & Development.


    Animal Research Program


    Animal Research: The primary mission of the CVMO's office is to provide professional and administrative guidance and support to VA field animal care and use programs. This is accomplished by phone and email consultations, periodic training sessions, and development of web-based support systems.


    Women’s Health


    VA R&D Women's Health was established as a research priority to develop new knowledge about how to best provide for the health and care of women veterans. VA has built an increasingly productive portfolio of biomedical, clinical, rehabilitation and health services research since the early 1990's.


    VA Biorepository Brain Bank Program


    The VA Biorepository Brain Bank Program makes tissue samples available for research on illnesses in Veterans.

  • Presentation of Research Results

    As a VA Investigator, you're required to notify the VA Central Research Office of research publications and presentations directly or indirectly supported by VA Office of Research and Development (ORD), in the form of research funding or the use of VA resources, or as a result of the investigator’s VA appointment.


    Research results must be appropriately acknowledged and made available to the public. See VHA Directive 1200.19 (dated May 10, 2019) for further details and information. 


    IMPORTANT: Failure to acknowledge VA support or employment may result in the discontinuation of current VA R&D funding or eligibility to apply for funding for up to five years. In extreme circumstances, it may result in the revocation of the privilege to conduct research in VA.

  • Guidelines for acknowledging VA research support and VA employment

    Acknowledgment of VA Research Support (Required)

    All publications and presentations of VA research results must contain the following (or equivalent) acknowledgment:


    If funded by VA Central Office:

    “This work was supported (or supported in part) by (type of award, e.g., Merit Review, Career Development Award, Pilot Project) Award # (award/project number, e.g., I01 RX000123) from the United States (U.S.) Department of Veterans Affairs, (as applicable, Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development Service, Clinical Sciences Research and Development Service, Rehabilitation Research and Development Service, Health Services Research and Development Service, Cooperative Studies Program or Million Veteran Program).” 

    The type of award and the electronic award/project number (e.g., I01 BX123456) must be included in the acknowledgment as indicated above unless prohibited by journal policy.


    If no VA Central Office funding, but used VA resources:

    “This material is the result of work supported with resources and the use of facilities of the Eastern Oklahoma VA Healthcare System.”


    Acknowledgement of VA employment/affiliation (Required)


    Authors of research manuscripts, abstracts, books, book chapters, and presentations of VA research results must acknowledge their employment/affiliation using the following format: 

    “VA title, name of VA medical facility, city, and state.”

    1. When the author also holds a faculty appointment, the academic title and school also may be acknowledged.
    2. When the work was solely funded by VA, authors must list their VA affiliation first.


    Disclaimer Requirement (Required)

    Publications or presentations must include a disclaimer stating that the contents do not represent the views of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or the United States Government.