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Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Sciences

Students in the Ph.D. program will take interdisciplinary graduate courses, a comprehensive qualifying examination, conduct research with a faculty mentor, present research seminars and write and publicly defend a dissertation. 


Successful completion of the Ph.D. degree requires a minimum of 60 semester credit hours beyond the bachelor’s degree. The Ph.D. program is designed to be accomplished in four years. All degree requirements must be completed within nine years of entering the program.


Learn more about admission requirements, application deadline and transfer hours.


View Admission Requirements



Required Coursework -

The following courses are required for all Ph.D students in the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program:

  • BIOM 6922 Scientific Communication in the Biomedical Sciences *not a core requirement for Anatomy and Vertebrate Paleontology track students
  • BIOM 6622 Research Ethics and Survival Skills for the Biomedical Sciences
  • BIOM 5003 Statistics in Biomedical Sciences

In addition to these required courses, students must take additional coursework and research hours. View list of available biomedical sciences courses and descriptions here:


Research Proposal and Qualifying Exam -

In addition to the course requirements, doctoral students are required to write a research proposal that describes their research interest, research methods and any data collected up to the time of writing the proposal.

Students also must pass a qualifying examination that consists of both a written and oral component.


Faculty Advisors - 

Biomedical sciences graduate students identify an advisor and work with the advisor to assemble an advisory committee, identify a research project and determine a plan of study. The advisory committee must be selected prior to beginning the second year of the program and consist of at least four members, with one member from outside the school of biomedical sciences.