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OSU Center for Health Sciences takes acts of sexual violence and sexual harassment extremely seriously and believes that 1 victim is 2 many. The following information, consistent with U.S. Department of Education Title IX guidance, provides details on the university response, resources, and remedies to sexual violence. The university invites all members of the campus community to be part of the effort to maintain a safe and productive environment in which to live, learn, and be successful by committing to end sexual violence. It is important for members of our community to understand and receive consent, intervene by being an active bystander when necessary, and support victims of sexual violence.


Sexual harassment and sexual violence are forms of gender discrimination that are not tolerated at OSU-CHS. The university strongly encourages victims to report all acts of gender discrimination. Additionally, this booklet explains the process of filing a formal complaint with Title IX and Student Conduct as well as with OSU-CHS Security. Please be aware that even if an individual chooses not to file a formal complaint, supportive measures or actions by the university such as changing academic schedules may be taken to provide safety for the victim in the educational or workplace setting.

Victim Information

If you are a victim of sexual violence you are not alone, and you are in no way responsible for your assault.

Victim Information


All forms of sexual harassment including sexual violence should be reported, no matter the severity.

How to Make A Report


University policies related to sexual harassment and sexual violence may be found online.

Policies & Procedures


All students, faculty and staff are required to complete online training on sexual violence prevention.

Training Instructions

Faculty/Staff Information

Learn about supporting students as a university employee and reporting guidelines.


Contact Information

Title IX Coordinator 
Main Hall 1405, OSU-Tulsa


Office of Student Affairs


Campus Security



Information about the available resources, the types of support and more.


Resources & Assistance


Pregnancy and Parenting


Sexual Violence Resource Booklet