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OED Services

Instructional Design

OED offers services that assist faculty in designing and fostering engaging teaching and learning environments.


Syllabus Design or Review

When creating a new course syllabus or reviewing one already established, it is important to consider key components of your syllabus. OED Instructional Designers are available to help you construct an appropriate syllabus.


Course Mapping

Curriculum mapping is a means by which to consider the overall vision of a particular course and its role within the larger institutional vision. OED Instructional Designers will facilitate this work by helping faculty articulate their course goals, align teaching methods with desired learning outcomes, and identify appropriate assessments in order to remain compliant with accreditation requirements.


Articulation of Teaching Philosophy

Instructors often want a statement of teaching philosophy for promotion and tenure documentation or for inclusion within a course syllabus. OED staff will serve as resources when faculty create such documents.


e-Learning Development

Need to deliver content online? We can develop self-contained online courses or learning modules. Add quizzes, interactive video, and more to make your online course engaging and keep students accountable.


Course Evaluation and Analysis

OED will gather and analyze student feedback on behalf of the course director and faculty members. Information gleaned from this analysis provides directors and instructors an avenue for making informed adjustments to a course.


Assessment Item Analysis

OED will gather and analyze assessment performance on behalf of the course director and faculty members. Information gleaned from this analysis provides directors and instructors an avenue for making informed adjustments to specific assessment items and overall assessment validity. 


Professional Resources

Resources related to teaching and learning, curricular development, and assessment are available through the OED Website and through the Faculty and Staff Development course in Leo.


Individual Consultation

In need of other types of support? OED offers individual consultation. Contact any member of OED and our team will work with you regarding any aspect of teaching and learning.


Course Observation and Feedback

The Instructional Designers in OED will provide course observations and critiques to faculty as requested. The process includes an initial meeting between the faculty member and the OED member to determine the specific area(s) in which the faculty member is seeking assistance. Then, the OED member attends the class and takes notes regarding the faculty member’s ability to engage students in the lesson and help them succeed with the topic. Finally, the OED member provides the faculty member with a typewritten critique of the lesson during a face-to-face meeting.