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Human Subjects Research

About the IRB


In accordance with federal regulations and OSU-CHS Human Subject Research Policy and Procedures, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is responsible for the oversight of all human subjects research.


An IRB is a committee whose primary responsibility is to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects. In accordance with Department of Health and Human Services and Food and Drug Administration regulations, an IRB reviews research proposals to ensure risks have been minimized and the potential for benefit has been maximized before human subjects participate in the research.


The authority conveyed to the IRB includes decisions to approve, disapprove, require modifications, monitor, suspend and terminate research projects involving human subjects. The IRB also ensures, as required, that human subjects volunteer to participate in research only after providing legally effective informed consent. CHS policy charges the IRB with determining whether an activity conducted or supported by OSU CHS faculty, staff, or students, is research involving human subjects.  OSU CHS policy does not authorize investigators to make a self-determination of exemption. It is the policy of OSU CHS that all research involving human subjects conducted by OSU CHS faculty, students, or staff shall be approved by the OSU CHS Institutional Review Board (IRB), OSU-Stillwater IRB, or an approved Central Institutional Review Board (CIRB) before the research is initiated.