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Non-OSU CHS Researcher

Permission to Recruit Research Participants

The OSU CHS Institutional Review Board (IRB) requires that all researchers, not affiliated with OSU CHS, who are seeking to recruit research participants on the OSU CHS campus, must request permission to recruit by submitting the following information electronically to

  1. Copies of all documentation reviewed and approved by the researcher’s home IRB
  2. A letter of approval to conduct the study issued by the researcher’s home IRB
  3. The identity and contact information of a OSU CHS faculty or staff member who has agreed to promote or disseminate a link to the research project on the OSU CHS campus

OSU CHS faculty or staff seeking to assist non-affiliated researchers in the recruitment of research participants on the OSU CHS campus through promotion or dissemination of surveys to research studies, not conducted under the auspices of OSU CHS, should direct non-affiliated researchers to the OSU CHS IRB. Doing so will assist the IRB in ensuring that such research projects have received appropriate IRB reviews and approvals required by the Code of Federal Regulations (


Following assessment of the documentation listed above, and confirmation that the research project has been approved by a federally assured IRB, the OSU CHS IRB Chair or IRB Administrator may issue a letter of permission to recruit on the OSU CHS campus. Permission may be granted for one year or for the period of time for which the home IRB granted approval to conduct the study, whichever is less.


The researcher should note that permission to recruit is not an IRB review, and applying to recruit does not serve as or replace review of a research project by an IRB. The home IRB retains responsibility for conducting all required continuing reviews of the study (, and all unanticipated problems or adverse events related to the study will be reported by the researcher to the home IRB. Should the study receive a continuing review or be submitted by the researcher to the home IRB for review and approval of study revisions, the researcher must reapply for permission to recruit research participants at OSU CHS. This is accomplished through submission of copies of revised documents, including the most recent IRB approval documents, to the OSU CHSIRB. Following assessment of these documents, a subsequent letter of permission to recruit may be issued.


All questions regarding permission to recruit research participants at OSU CHS should be addressed to the IRB by email at