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We understand that having to be at home in these trying times can create stress, anxiety, and even depression. We hope that this information can help you, and others, maintain your sanity while at home.
If you are feeling cooped up, restless, lethargic, unmotivated, irritated, on edge for no apparent reason, and/or having difficulty concentrating on what is in front of you, you might be showing signs of cabin fever. To cope with cabin fever, first, stick with a routine.
Each day, wake up and do your normal morning routine. This can consist of making your bed, taking a shower, meditating, making breakfast, and even taking a walk. Second, make sure you are eating nutritious and healthy meals. If you need inspiration on what to make, we have you covered! Third, get some exercise! We have a plethora of different workouts and exercises for you to utilize. Lastly, get on a regular sleep schedule. Set a designated time you are going to wake up in the morning, and stick to that time each day. This will help keep a healthy routine and can improve your mental health.

This is a wonderful time to try something new, or do something that you have been procrastinating. Here are some examples of activities you can do while social distancing:

  • Have a picnic on your front porch

  • Learn a new skill (YouTube is a great resource!)

  • Learn to speak a different language through apps or online tutorials

  • Try baking/cooking recipes from a different culture (Pinterest is a great resource!)

  •  Redecorate or rearrange your furniture

  • Update your resume, LinkedIn account, etc.

  • Clean out your garage

  • Make a photo album/scrapbook

  • Deep clean your house

  • Make inventory of what you have in the refrigerator and your pantry

  • Read a book

  • Do a puzzle

  • Plant herbs, fruits/vegetables, flowers

  • Go fishing

  • Take up meditation

  • Get some alone time (take a solo walk, set your alarm to wake up before everyone else, sit outside by yourself for at least 20 minutes)

There are so many ways to stay busy while social distancing, but it is important to do things that bring you joy.

Being connected to friends and family can be difficult during this time. The most important thing to remember is to be open about your feelings. Allowing yourself to be open with your feelings and emotions will not only help you get things off your chest, but it will also bring you and your friends/family closer together.
Another tip is to write letters to family or someone else you love. We forget how intimate and special handwritten letters are now that we can FaceTime and call our loved ones. Learn how to address an envelope here. Our last tip is to schedule virtual hangout sessions with friends and families. Face to face interaction is very important during this time.
Did you move back home? Making the transition from living independently to now living with your parents can be a difficult adjustment. Having to adapt to another person’s living style may be stressful, but we have some ways to help. First, be considerate. Remember this is an adjustment for your parents as well. Let your family know what your plan is for the day. This can include wake-up times, online class times, scheduled breaks, and when you are done studying or working for the day. This can be a good time to discuss hours for visitors, privacy, financial expectations, etc.
 Don’t be a slob. Take on some chores around the house. Your family is also adjusting to having more people in a confined space, so helping make dinner, wash dishes, take out the trash, set the table, making your own bed, and even doing your own laundry can relieve stress and conflict.
 Carve out time for your family. Some great ways to spend time together is to have dinner together without technology, wake up when your parents wake up and have a cup of coffee together, or go for an afternoon walk.
 Live with less. Make sure to keep your space tidy and don’t leave your things scattered around the house. Have a designated spot for your belongings. This can also be beneficial if you are planning to move back to Stillwater (your packing will be so much easier because your things will be in one place).
Lastly, maintain boundaries. This is especially important if there is conflict. Be able to have adult conversations and use “I feel” rather than “you made me feel.” Learning to take responsibility for your actions will not only minimize conflict, but there will also be a greater amount of respect between you and your family.
We hope you are all adjusting well to online classes and we hope you are all staying safe and healthy. Remember, the Cowboy Family looks out for each other!