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Health Sciences

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Attendance Requirements

Students are expected to attend all lectures, laboratories and clinical assignments. Attendance is required at all clinical assignments and national board reviews. There may be isolated instances when an individual must be absent, but the student who misses class is still responsible for the materials presented during the lecture or laboratory period. Refer to the course syllabus for individual course attendance requirements.


Application for voluntary withdrawal from the College must be made in writing to the Dean. Except in rare circumstances, the application will be accompanied by a personal interview. Every effort should be made to assure that no misunderstandings or errors occur in the withdrawal process.


Students withdrawing from the College within the first 15 days of the semester or prior to examination (whichever comes first), will receive an unassigned grade of "W" for all courses in which the student is currently enrolled.


If withdrawal is requested after this designated time period, the appropriate faculty member will assign a grade of "WP" or "WU" for each course in which the student is currently enrolled.


Leave of Absence

A student in good academic standing may request a leave of absence due to a medical or severe personal problem. Students requesting a leave of absence must apply to the Dean in writing.


After consultation with the student, the Dean will decide whether or not the leave is to be granted and the conditions under which the student may return to school.



Suspension is a forced absence from the College. It is a temporary situation imposed by the Dean when a student is having an academic, professional, or personal problem that requires additional time for the College to gather information.


While on suspension, the student is not allowed to attend classes or clinical rotations.